Friday, April 28, 2006

Sushi wouldn't be Sushi if.....

she didn't care about being anesthetized twice in one week :/

How it got to be this way?

Well, she wouldn't be Sushi either if she didn't remove some of the stiched and was planning on removing them ALL. Which is not a good thing, if you know what I mean.
So we brought her back to the vet and they stiched her up yet again. I thought she was not going to make it, but back home she first ate as much lettace as she could and than she bit my mom very hard :/
At the vet practice they said she is a fighter *G* In more than one way for sure.
She has to get antibiotics twice a day and is getting more difficult to handle every second.
But I will not complain, I'm just glad she is so determined about staying alive.



Anonymous said...

Hahaha, sounds like our German Shephard! You should buy her something like the thing the dogs get on their head when they have stitches (don't know what it's called). Good luck on her!

Soggy Wolfie said...

Hi, I wish that would work, but a guinea pig is like a sausage on legs. She just wickles out of any construction I have made in less than a second :/
It is really frustrating, but I'm all out of ideas.


Anonymous said...

I know, Guinea Pigs really can be even worse than a dog... Is she still getting the stitches out?

Soggy Wolfie said...

Yaps, I bought some liquid protect pansement today. I hope it works.


Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.